The Fonz Wants to Dance

Mating Rituals Along the Mississippi Flyway

2007, 2016

c101 You're My Flame 28 x 17 cm. Commercially printed paper, chemically processed photograph, antique lithographic print, acid free adhesive, acid free rag cotton board. Digital text added in 2016.
c101 You’re My Flame
28 x 17 cm
Prints available via Etsy
and at the Viroqua Public Market
c102 The Eyes Have It 28 x 17 cm. Commercially printed paper, chemically processed photograph, antique lithographic print, acid free adhesive, acid free rag cotton board. Digital text added in 2016.
c102 The Eyes Have It
28 x 17 cm
Prints available at the Viroqua Public Market
c104 Locomotive Breath 28 x 16 cm. Commercially printed paper, chemically processed photograph, antique lithographic print, acid free adhesive, acid free rag cotton board. Digital text added in 2016.
c104 Locomotive Breath
28 x 16 cm
Prints available via Etsy
and at the Viroqua Public Market

Each collage in this album is made of a 19th century lithographic print, 20th century commercially printed paper, a 21st century chemically processed photograph, and acid free adhesive on acid free rag cotton mat board. Analog collages created in 2007, with digital text (MUNDO) added in 2016.