Precious Time with Family and Friends

25 x 20 cm
The original hand made collages are available.
Contact Michael Koppa for price and photograph of framed artwork.
Commercially printed book pages from Follow the Monsters (Random House, 1985 (leftover from the Monster Trust project (2015)), Rockwell Kent’s World Famous Paintings (Wise & Co. Inc., 1939), a thick book of nineteenth century engravings, Better Homes & Gardens Famous Foods from Famous Places (Meredeth Press, 1964), Birds’ Eggs and Nests (Hamlyn, 1971), a children’s encyclopedia, and a mid-20th century atlas; a page from a late 1950’s National Geographic magazine; a calendar illustration (the bird); and an inkjet printed digital photograph of The Pod on Sumac Lake near Woodruff, Wisconsin. Not sure where the ladybug came from. Elmer’s glue, Verathane Water-based Polyurethane, and McCloskey GymSeal High Gloss Finish on Masonite.

25 x 20 cm
The original hand made collages are available.
Contact Michael Koppa for price and photograph of framed artwork.
Commercially printed book pages from Better Homes & Gardens Famous Foods from Famous Places (Meredeth Press, 1964), Eagle Has Landed (Golden Gate Junior Books, 1970), and a mid-20th century atlas; Elmer’s glue, Verathane Water-based Polyurethane, and McCloskey GymSeal High Gloss Finish on Masonite.